Exhibition Opening on September 6th, 2024 at 5:30 pm
"Convergent" is an exhibition that brings together nine prominent Mexican artists residing in the United States. Each one, from their state of residence, brings a unique vision to the world of contemporary art, from where they capture their transnational experiences and visually narrate how these experiences influence and shape the artistic practice.
"Convergent" is the meeting of diverse artistic expressions that encompass abstraction, realism, figurative and surreal, offering an in-depth exploration of identity and memory. By fusing perspectives developed between ambiguous cultures and traditions, Convergent reminds us that borders are not only geographical but also stylistic and conceptual, allowing artists to create visual languages that explore identity, belonging and transformation.
We hope that this exhibition inspires, challenges and offers new perspectives to all those who seek to understand the rich diversity of contemporary Mexican art, and the ability of art to unite us, regardless of our differences.
Participating Artists
Ana Maria Herrera.- San Diego, CA. Claudia Montero.- Austin, TX.
Karla Osete.- Nogales, AZ. Monica Gisel.- Phoenix, AZ.
Maricruz Sibaja.- San Bernardino, CA. Mauricio Zuniga.- Kansas City.
Laura Lesllo.- Greenville, SC. Raymundo Lopez.- Orlando, FL.
Salvado Rodriguez.- San Bernardino, CA.