Emerson Art Gallery

Emerson Art Gallery features the work of 30+ local and national painters, sculptors, photographers, and unique artists in Fountain Hills, Arizona. The gallery operates in a beautiful space donated as a non-profit service of Brokers Alliance Inc. at their headquarters building. In addition to the large gallery space and services, Brokers Alliance Inc. supports the arts in Fountain Hills with frequent events and outreach programs that benefit charitable organizations, businesses, schools and artists.

Featured Artist Receptions are held at the gallery on the second Friday of every month from 5-7 pm, October through April. These events are free and open to the public. Food and wine are provided during these events, as well as live music. For more information about these events, please contact Amanda at Amanda@EmersonArtGallery.com or visit our website: www.EmersonArtGallery.com

Fountain Hills Artists Gallery

The Fountain Hills Artists’ Gallery boasts exceptional fine art that rivals that of any other gallery in the Greater Phoenix Area. The gallery displays a diverse and unique selection of fine art ranging from classical to contemporary. The gallery is owned and operated entirely by the artists on exhibit.

The Fountain Hills Artists’ Gallery has partnered with the Fountain Hills Public Art program to present new Special Session Art Tours:
Those classes marked *Special Session are specially planned Fountain Park tours that end one hour before a Fountain Hills Artists’ Gallery Featured Artist Reception. The Town of Fountain Hills along with the Fountain Hills Artists’ Gallery invites you to the gallery for a special meet and greet of their monthly featured artist! Gallery receptions are in the Fountain Hills Artist Gallery store on the Avenue of the Fountains from 5-7 p.m.
This season’s Featured Artist Receptions are scheduled will be announced soon!. For more information please visit www.fountainhillsartistsgallery.com

Fountain Hills Chamber Players

The chamber players present a joyous and exciting concert series in Fountain Hills featuring music for strings, woodwinds and piano. The ensemble performs professional concerts and educational events.

Fountain Hills Community Chorus

The chorus presents a holiday concert in early December and a spring concert in early April. The chorus and small ensembles from the group also perform at community functions and private parties.
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